Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Street art!

Okay, i'm obsessed with this stuff! it's so cool! I would love to do a photo series something similar to this!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Smoke Bomb Photoshoot

This summer I was a nanny, and the teenager I was nannying was playing with smoke bombs in the driveway (I know I'm a terrible nanny for allowing this) but I was so intrigued by the colors and how the smoke was released. So I decided that I HAD to photograph it. So my younger sister (model) and I went and purchased alot of different colored smoke bombs. And these are a few of the photographs I created from the shoot. The editing is a bit off, because my photoshop skills were still not completely up to parr yet, but I still think they turned out really interesting!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Photo Work From this past Summer.

::Senior Portraits::

I am not quite sure who it was in our class who was talking about senior portraits, but these are some that I did this Summer.

I also did work with Children

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Off to Atlanta This Weekend for yet another Raging Show!

 Pretty Lights!
We are going to a double night Pretty Lights Bassnectar Show, something I like to call PrettyNecta.
Should be a blast! I can never get enough live music in my life. I'll be there jamming out with my hula hoop!

Petey Getting Festive For the Holidays!

We got him a banana suit for Halloween, couldn't help it when I saw it at target. I know it looks like he is miserable, but he actually loves his 'nanner' suit! It keeps his little body warm!